teisipäev, 13. juuni 2006

iPod kõigile töötajatele?

Kuidas motiveerida töötajaid ja samas efektiivselt infot edastada? Well, mõned on läinud seda teed.
National Semiconductor today capped off its most successful fiscal year in history by giving every one of its 8,500 employees a 30GB video iPod. The devices will be used as a new training and communications tool at National, according to the company, providing a convenient real-time method for employees to download company podcasts and other employee communications. "We're looking for new and more effective ways to communicate with our employees -- and the iPods will help us do both."

Ma rääkisin samast asjast pool aastat tagasi aga ei läinud see idee kaubaks. Mitte küll iPodide kinkimisest, aga ettevõttesiseste PodCastide (VoiceMemode) tegemisest, sest niikuinii kõik ei saa alati kohal olla.

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